
CoolGuard™ PCM 28L System 2-8°C

Peli BioThermal

availability: In Stock
Product Code: CoolGuard PCM 28L System 2-8°C
+2/+8 °C
48 hours
515 × 515 × 518 mm

On request

  • Certificate of conformity
  • Product data sheet
  • Technical guidebook
  • Validation test
Request information


CoolGuard™ PCM is our single-use shipper combining phase change materials and

high performance foam insulation. This parcel shipper is designed and tested to ensure

maximum protection of valuable payload through use of standardised components with

simple, error-free assembly.



• Consistent temperature stability of 48 - 96 hours

• High performance Foam and PCM technology reduces excursions and increases compliance, while providing a low total cost of ownership

• Achieves industry leading payload to external volume ratios, reducing storage and distribution costs

• Quick, simple and error-free packing process through single temperature, one size, CoolPhase PCM coolants that are interchangeable between CoolGuard Advance and CoolGuard PCM ranges

• Hibernation can be achieved at any point during transit, resulting in longer


temperature compliant shipments

volume 28 l
temperature 2/8C
duration 48 h

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