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6. 12. 2022

Radost dětem


Children are above all, Tardigrad helps to bring joy.
Many years Tardigrad is a partner of the fund “Radost dětem”. Radost Dětem (The joy forchildren) was founded by Katherine Wich in 2011. During theseyears Katherine gathered a great team that helps her in everyday work and supports all innovations and development. It's goal of the organization is to help children across the Czech Republic, especially children with serious illness or from orphan homes.However, the organization is not only focused on financing and medical treatment, but also on improving the overall quality of children’s lives. That's why today "Radost Dětem" offers children a variety of entertainment, sports and other events where children have the opportunity to gain experiences that will positively affect their psychological condition. Tardigrad supports the fund and we are proud of such cooperation. We believe that children are our most valuable resource.

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